Why should I use a specialist jobboard?
Here are perhaps a few reasons why you should be registering your details with us.Although we've been in the business for over 20 years now, we still consider ourselves very niche. We don't carry thousands of jobs on our site and our reach is much smaller than some of the more generic sites out there. It is hard work to remain relevant, especially when there are constant murmurings in the industry as to whether jobboards have had their day, however there is still a need for specialist sites and here are perhaps a few reasons why you should be registering your details with us:
1. Tailored Opportunities
We're a language site so all the roles we advertise require a language skill. If you sign up for job alerts you will find more targeted emails so you won't need to sift through as many irrelevant postings to find the right match.
2. Smaller Candidate Pool
We only want to target an audience that speaks languages so there will be less competition compared to general job boards like LinkedIn.
3. Recruiters with Expertise in Your Field
Many of the recruitment agencies that advertise with us are specialists within the language field, so they’re more likely to understand your value and match you to the right role.
4. Curated Content
Our careers advice pages offer many tips for language speakers, or you can follow our social media channels or join our LinkedIn group for more tailored content.
Where general jobboards such as LinkedIn still shine:
If you’re looking for a wide variety of options across multiple industries.
For leveraging your professional network or gaining referrals.
For researching companies and connecting with hiring managers directly.
Ultimately, combining both LinkedIn and a specialist job board is often the best strategy! You get the networking benefits of LinkedIn while leveraging the focus and depth of a niche platform.
If you've not registered your details with Multilingualvacancies.com then sign up today!